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Build the Business and Life You Deserve Faster with AI


Today, a whopping 80% of buyers are informed about your products and services before buying from you.


Even if they do, that's only the beginning.


You need to invest and optimize your entire customer lifecycle. 


Your customer's first touchpoint to their last touchpoint. In other words, from your buyer's awareness of you until they are advocates of your business.  


Obviously, right? But are you doing it correctly? 

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I'm a health coach, business coach for health coaches and a fractional CMO with over ten years of experience helping small businesses with sales and marketing.

Gus Bouari
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I am the sales and marketing lead for the US-based wellness company SOZA®, a national franchise with purpose-driven healthcare providers.

I Don't Just Care About You

I Care About Your Clients, Too!

I co-founded SOZA in 2012 because of my passion for health and wellness which helped grow SOZA nationwide.


SOZA's provider network has transformed thousands of people's lives, not solely due to excellent services but also because of outstanding sales and marketing. 

SOZA Weight Loss Providers

My efforts get my clients on TV

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Here's How We Work Together

We start with a chat.

We'll discuss your business, challenges, and goals. We proceed if there's synergy, and I'm confident in meeting your needs. To build trust, I could offer a try-before-you-buy.

Either I do it for or with you.

I'll work alongside your teams, aligning sales and marketing, implementing effective CRM systems, and even stepping in directly, like making crucial sales calls and copywriting. 

Continuous Refinement

We'll continuously tweak our approach, ensuring your business stays agile in a constantly changing market landscape.

In addition to my experience, I'm a Professional Certified Marketer® and a member of the American Marketing Association. 

One of many professional certifications that will help keep your business up-to-date.

Professional Certified Marketer logo

Download My Free Step-By-Step Guide for Creating an Effective High-Performing Sales Machine.

  • Growth Revenue Methodology 

  • Marketing Plan

  • Sales Plan

Gus Bouari - Our Revenue Growth Methodology.jpg
  • What is a fractional CRO?
    A fractional CRO is like a part-time executive hired by companies. Instead of working full-time at one company, we split our time and expertise across multiple companies, providing high-level revenue and sales strategies without the cost of a full-time commitment. It's economical for businesses, especially smaller ones, to get expert insights and leadership in revenue growth. A CRO, or Chief Revenue Officer, is an executive responsible for all revenue generation processes in a company, overseeing or working with sales, marketing, and customer service teams. Simply put, we look at your revenue point of sales holistically. A CRO is not a salesperson only or a marketer only. We don't work in "silos" although we do have specialties with a main focus on marketing. As a CRO, we care about your company's bottom line and whether your marketing is enabling sales. A proper CRO has experience working in different departments. Note: I am not a consultant; I am part of your team, have admin access to your key systems and data, and will do actual work.
  • What is the significance of being a Professional Certified Marketer®?
    This certification doesn't automatically make me an "expert." It showcases my commitment to staying updated with the latest marketing trends and leveraging advanced AI tools to benefit your business. Furthermore, as part of professional associations like the AMA, I can brainstorm with peers and colleagues on effective marketing strategies, which in turn helps you.
  • What are some of the questions you'll ask in our first meeting?
    What are your business goals? How many new clients do you want/need/expect by next year? Is the founder bogged down working "in" the business instead of "on" the business? Tell me more about your ideal customers and buyers. What's your current and potential Go-To-Market Strategy? If you're a B2B, how long is your sales cycle? Let's discuss your stats, customer lifetime value, etc. How much are you spending on marketing? Paid media etc.? Which channels are you spending this advertising on? Do you have account executives doing outbound sales? What's your churn rate? How can it be improved? What did you think of the Game of Thrones ending? (Yes, I can be funny too 😜) How do you get customers today? Do you work with a digital agency? Can you walk me through the sales and buyer process? What's your TAM? Total-addressable market? Who does the product demos? Which specific function or department do you need the most help in today? i.e., What is tripping you up currently?
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